My goal for Managed Android Debug Bridge is not just to port the functionality from DDMS/ADB, but to make it useful to developers.
The original Device in ddms has a dictionary for mount points, but it only has the 3 hard coded m ount points. So if a rooted device, with busybox is connected, then it will pull all the mount points on the system.
This gives some information like this:
rootfs / rootfs ro
tmpfs /dev tmpfs rw
devpts /dev/pts devpts rw
proc /proc proc rw
sysfs /sys sysfs rw
tmpfs /sqlite_stmt_journals tmpfs rw
none /dev/cpuctl cgroup rw
/dev/block/mtdblock3 /system yaffs2 ro
/dev/block/mtdblock5 /data yaffs2 rw
/dev/block/mtdblock4 /cache yaffs2 rw
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /sd-ext ext2 rw
/dev/block/vold/179:1 /sdcard vfat rw
Notice how the /system mount is read-only. That is because I also have a method to set the mount point ReadWrite/ReadOnly. Again, this will really only be useful for rooted devices, but it also gives the ability to check what the current “access” of the mount is as well. So Droid Explorer can check if the mount is read-only before doing a file operation, like a delete or create, and it can change the mount to read-write if needed (and if it is "enabled" by the user).
MADB also can transfer files better then regular adb. The ddms library does not handle symlinks, but MADB does. So if you try to copy a symlink, it will resolve it and copy over the original, but still name it what the symlink is.
Pulling multiple files from the device can also easily allow developers to show the total progress for the transfer. For the unit tests, I created a simple ISyncProgressMonitor that writes how many bytes were transferred, out of the total bytes, plus how many bytes are remaining. Here is a sample output, with some data trimmed for space, of a pull of /system/app
Starting Transfer
Syncing /system/app/BugReport.apk
Transfered 23669 of 13334850 - 13311181 remaining
Syncing /system/app/EnhancedGoogleSearchProvider.apk
Transfered 89205 of 13334850 - 13245645 remaining
Transfered 154741 of 13334850 - 13180109 remaining
Transfered 220277 of 13334850 - 13114573 remaining
Transfered 274775 of 13334850 - 13060075 remaining
Syncing /system/app/Street.apk
Transfered 10224322 of 13334850 - 3110528 remaining
Transfered 10264332 of 13334850 - 3070518 remaining
Syncing /system/app/Talk.apk
Transfered 10329868 of 13334850 - 3004982 remaining
Transfered 10395404 of 13334850 - 2939446 remaining
Transfered 10460940 of 13334850 - 2873910 remaining
Transfered 10526476 of 13334850 - 2808374 remaining
Transfered 10592012 of 13334850 - 2742838 remaining
Transfered 10657548 of 13334850 - 2677302 remaining
Transfered 10717042 of 13334850 - 2617808 remaining
Syncing /system/app/YouTube.apk
Transfered 12817565 of 13334850 - 517285 remaining
Transfered 12883101 of 13334850 - 451749 remaining
Transfered 12948637 of 13334850 - 386213 remaining
Transfered 13014173 of 13334850 - 320677 remaining
Transfered 13079709 of 13334850 - 255141 remaining
Transfered 13145245 of 13334850 - 189605 remaining
Transfered 13210781 of 13334850 - 124069 remaining
Transfered 13276317 of 13334850 - 58533 remaining
Transfered 13334850 of 13334850 - 0 remaining